Her Children

Austyn Keoni Handall   Camdyn Daniel    Ainsley Cierra

Disneyland Adventure

Austyn with his new conch shell at the North Shore ~ 2 Jan 06

Ainsley posing at the North Shore ~ 2 Jan 06

Camdyn with his new conch shell at the North Shore ~ 2 Jan 06

Camdyn doing a trick on his bike

Hanging out by the tree swing while camping at the North Shore

Ainsley and cousin Lauren at ballet practice

Playing in the surf with Grandpa @ Sharks Cove, North Shore

Camdyn, Allysa, and Ainsley at the Student of the Quarter ceremony (Feb 2006)

Austyn posing while swimming out in Kaneohe Bay...at the sand bar


Ainsley with her daycare instructor Ms. Daisy on the first day back after summer break with Aunties.


Austyn with his 3rd Grade teacher, Mrs. Frazier.  First day of school Aug 22, 2005, Hickam Elementary.

Austyn and Ainsley waiting for the doors to open for the new school year.

Camdyn with his 1st Grade teacher, Mrs. Mineshima.  First day of school Aug 22, 2005, Hickam Elementary.

Proud Austyn on the first day of classes.


Austyn signing in the chorus at the Fall Festival

